migration into summer

spring is gone and summer begun and still the project list is mighty. friends too have arrived and moved on to other adventures. our last remaining muscovy duck managed to lay some fertile eggs before we slaughtered her mister man, and she faithfully sat on them for the Impressive 35 day incubation period. so now we have these little fluff butts running around...

we spent an evening in june celebrating a local friend with a big shebang - part of which included all the kids helping to milk our goat, megan. oh, good times! my favorite part was getting to tell them, in all seriousness, that there were No shenanigans allowed - no power play, no shouting, no whining or fighting involved because this whole process was about treating the goat well. we had a great time. the rest of the party involved delicious grilled meats, a bonfire, and folks holding baby bunnies. what more could you ask for?
