written 1-24-12
a shed,
a woman,
a quest toward a whole life.
bugs - yes. work - yes.
but also
frolicking, tall grasses,
fields of goldenrod, wild rose, daisy,
friends with upturned faces.
but also
a choir at dusk,
the laying on of hands,
the communal nesting instinct
of forest prey
and rejoiced.
pain - yes.
in the service of a dream.
fear - yes. and
the triumph
of walking through it,
no matter the posture
and finding yourself brave.
guilt - yes.
at the hands of the eternal patriarch,
solemnly laid to rest once -
not for all. but he is gone
from me now,
and so -
am i the reflection
the molded shape
the cowering brave one
with clenched fist
WAITING to explode.
my time has come,
has fully dawned,
broken horizon
with cries of joy and lust
to blaze unburdened
over field
and pond
and forest
restrained by none
the outflow pure and shimmering
with all -
rage joy utter despair love
passion guilt longing
and all the bold certainty of
the sun.
a shed,
a woman,
a quest toward a whole life.
bugs - yes. work - yes.
but also
frolicking, tall grasses,
fields of goldenrod, wild rose, daisy,
friends with upturned faces.
but also
a choir at dusk,
the laying on of hands,
the communal nesting instinct
of forest prey
and rejoiced.
pain - yes.
in the service of a dream.
fear - yes. and
the triumph
of walking through it,
no matter the posture
and finding yourself brave.
guilt - yes.
at the hands of the eternal patriarch,
solemnly laid to rest once -
not for all. but he is gone
from me now,
and so -
am i the reflection
the molded shape
the cowering brave one
with clenched fist
WAITING to explode.
my time has come,
has fully dawned,
broken horizon
with cries of joy and lust
to blaze unburdened
over field
and pond
and forest
restrained by none
the outflow pure and shimmering
with all -
rage joy utter despair love
passion guilt longing
and all the bold certainty of
the sun.