i'm finally stealing a spare moment (well, not really spare. i should be sleeping) to post a few pictures here. i'm still working my butt off, but my sweet lady mowed the lawn yesterday and i only have one shift at work for the next three days, so my time will be more agreeably spent. with that in mind, i've uploaded a batch of photos to flickr (last night) and have named and sorted them (tonight). here are just three. you can go to my flickr page to see the rest.
fruit tree blossoms (apple maybe) at an eco-village in the midwest
mullein leaves that i harvested from my garden for tincture. i am decanting the tincture tonight, on the full moon!
a lion totem doll, made for my baby cousin ian. it has an embroidery floss mane and braided tail. i love it! i think i will have to make one for myself.